Replicating Trader Joes’ BBQ Coffee Rub

by Jennifer W.

I made the mistake of not stocking up on Trader Joe’s BBQ Rub and Seasoning with Coffee and Garlic. I have chicken drumsticks in the freezer and they just go so great with this rub. But Trader Joe’s doesn’t sell them right now as it is out of season and I really don’t want to pay 3x the price by ordering it off Amazon. I searched Google how to replicate the rub but does anyone know what coffee to use? Does it matter?

Courtney L. 

You can choose between decaf and caffeinated coffee based on your preference.

Zoey A. 

I do not think it matters. Because you can’t really taste the coffee once the meat is cooked. Its just used to enhance the other flavors

Tom C. 

I think you need either espresso powder or super finely ground coffee so that you don’t get thick coffee bits.


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